Tuesday, June 25, 2013

House For Sale

The house is officially for sale. We wanted to make sure people driving by knew it was for sale even though it is far from being finished.

We also buried our St. Joseph statue today. My catechism teacher told me about the practice of praying to St. Joseph and the Communion of Saints as well as burying a statue at the house. I figured it definitely wouldn't hurt!

We are inviting St. Joseph, the head of the most perfect household, to help us pray for the selling of Sheldon's first home.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Basement done!

The basement is finally done!!! The storm shelter turned out really nice. Sheldon helped set the hollow core pre-cast concrete beams that run across it. They will pour a pad of concrete on top of that, but those beams make it safe to park cars on top of the storm shelter.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Picking Colors and Piling Dirt

We hauled a lot of dirt the last few days. I will have to show you the lot in a couple days...it looks different!
We are in the process of picking everything for the house. I really hope we are met with an offer on the house just as soon as I've spent so much time choosing the right colors!!! It wouldn't bother us one bit to let the future homeowners make it custom! 

Basement Flatwork

The basement is prepped for the flat work to be done tomorrow. Cross your fingers the weather cooperates long enough for this to work. Coming from SWK it is clearly a sin to pray for no rain, so we won't even speak such words!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hauling Dirt

Today we hauled dirt to backfill the site. It was a long process and we don't have near enough yet!

See that load? Sheldon let me run the skid loader and load this one by myself. I have some practice to do. Sheldon's quite a bit faster than I am!!!

Rock Ledge

The rock ledge is finished on the west side of the house to prevent the yard from washing out. It really allows for more yard space too. 

Excavator Man did a nice job!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Temporary PM - Tera

Saturday Sheldon headed to Missouri to pick up a hydraulic dump trailer to begin hauling in dirt to the site. Since he was out of town, I (Tera) had to be the Project Manager for the day. 

It didn't go well... 

All that rock was supposed to be moved to the west edge of the house that runs along the water way. It will help keep the ground from washing out. 

I'm turning in my resignation so that I don't get fired! Hopefully our excavator man shows up bright and early tomorrow!!! 

More progress!

The basement walls received a coat of water proofing. The plumbing also got roughed in.

You can see that black tubing in these two pictures. Sheldon called that weeping tile. It basically functions to keep water out of the basement by collecting it and directing it away from the walls. It has holes in it and will run through the yard to the creek.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The basement walls are finished!

The basement walls are finished. You can see the storm shelter that is completely enclosed. I think it's a neat addition to the house. The flatwork crews will show up next and the basement floor will be finished! Sheldon measured the storm shelter so that the concrete hollow core slabs can be poured. They will run across to form the ceiling. These are needed since the room is below the garage where cars are parked.

Pouring Concrete Walls

This was the machine that came in to pour the basement walls. 

Those are the forms used for the walls. The crew sprays them with used motor oil so they release.