Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Siding, shingles and stones

Siding is almost finished on the house. Shingles have started going down. Stones were set for the retaining walls.

Installation of insulation has happened and now they're finishing up electrical. I can't wait to see some colors go up on the siding.

Monday, August 26, 2013


We had some job site "inspectors" come out and check in on Uncle Sheldon's work. 
G had to help put up some safety tape. Before the final sliding glass door was installed it made Sheldon pretty nervous to have it just open. They put up some "Caution" safety tape to warn everyone! Now there is a sliding glass door there, so the tape got to come down pretty quickly!
C wanted to check out what the skid steer could do. 

A lot of progress has been made on the house this past week - siding is up and almost finished. The shingles are going to go on this week. The HVAC, plumbing and electrical has made a lot of progress. I will update soon! 

Moving along

The top slab of the garage got poured today. The weekend of August 10th, Sheldon and I had to fill in all of the voids between the hollow core concrete slabs with a finer aggregate concrete. It took us a long time to do, but we had to do that so that it was completely filled in before the larger aggregate concrete was poured. 

And they did the front porch slab! Also do you see that first widow installed? Sheldon picked out the windows and they are very nice. Sandstone is the color he went with. As of last week (8/19-23) all of the windows and doors were installed in the house.
The framers have been working hard on getting soffit and fascia put up on the house. All they have left is the peak of the garage to do before roofers can start!
 The "Brains" of the Operation on the Roof!

The roof also got "blacked in" today. The felt paper is down and the shingles will go up next. We had to pick out the shingle color and I never dreamed there would be so many options. It's a very neutral brown tone shingle.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Trusses, coffers and blocking!

This is a gable truss with the overhang on it. They constructed these before setting them. The other trusses came prefabricated from the factory.

They should be setting the girder trusses later today. Girder trusses are set when the roof line changes directions and are systems that allow for open floor plans because they don't require load bearing walls below them.

This truss design will allow Sheldon to put coffered ceilings in the master bedroom. A coffer is a sunken panel that will add to the architectural design element of the house. Coffering is my favorite!!!

This is an example of coffered ceilings.

This is the blocking for the kitchen cabinets. It allows them to install cabinets easier because they don't have to search for studs. 

Finally the rain slowed down enough for us to get busy. Thank goodness, Sheldon was driving me nuts!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dirt work and a train wreck!

Sheldon moved a ton of dirt on the site and it is finally back filled in. The next step is to top it off with some pretty top soil. 

The train wreck - it rained a bajillion inches and turned our site into a mudslide. The next step is to set the trusses, but we can't get that done until they can get on the site with some very heavy equipment. 

I don't complain about rain, we were both raised by farmers. The corn looks good and I'm glad because it's the only thing making us feel good about the fact that the house is moving so slowly!!!